BEFORE and AFTER performing database optimization service for customers of Lao Viet Bank
Initial status
– During the survey, high fragmented tables are detected, ½ of the table’s space is wasted
– The operation of running the statement to get the report in the historical data table takes 30 minutes daily
Result after optimization:
– Command speed increased:
o From 30 minutes a day down to 18 seconds
o From 36s down to 86s
– Fragmented table after performing optimization: Table size from 93GB to 50GB. 43GB recovered
This news could only be placed in the AT&A Story section. But the writer would like to move to the the Specialized news section because the customer’s thank-you note was so brief in the middle of the night, when we had just finished the job: That is the silent value of our good professional work. No KPI can evaluate!
Thank you for team’s support
Good night